Acupuncture can calm babies crying more than 3 hours a day
If your baby is crying for more than 3 hours a day followed by more than three days in a week, then it is not normal. It can be a case of infantile colic which is otherwise known as baby colic. In this, a baby shows the symptoms of excessive crying for more than three weeks.
However, a study report claims acupuncture as its remedy. It says if a colic baby will be needed twice a week for a period of two weeks then the symptoms can reduce significantly over the period of time. Kajsa Landgren from Lund University in Sweden has told that acupuncture is the effective treatment for the babies suffering from infantile colic.
If we crawl over previous claims on acupuncture, we can see, acupuncture has been suggested as a major treatment for relieving the pain of babies. As well as for restoring gut functionalities to normal and to induce calm, this treatment is prescribed.
Before claiming the same, health scientists have carried out a test on 144 newly born babies aged between two to eight weeks. They created three groups (A-C) and randomly distributed the babies in those three groups.
The first group of babies were given standard acupuncture at a single point, Group B was given a calculated dose of acupuncture at five points. Group C babies, however, were not given any dose of acupuncture.
The periodical crying of colic reduces gradually with the passage of time and same happened with all the categories of babies. However, the babies who got either type of acupuncture showed a massive rate of reduction. The research concluded that the babies are well adapting the process of treatment.
According to the team, the tendency of crying is normal for all babies but the aim of this procedure is to reduce the abnormal crying period to normal levels.