30 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

A.I. tool to Diagnose Alzheimer Disease

By detecting refined variations within the method that Alzheimer’s sufferers use language, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have developed an A.I. algorithmic program that guarantees to accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s while not the necessity for costly scans or in-person testing. The package not solely will diagnose Alzheimer‘s, at a negligible price, with quite a ninety-five […]

2 mins read

E-Commerce Business Expected to Cross $100-Billion by 2024

The E-commerce business retail market, which remained at $30 billion in 2019, is expected to cross the $100-billion imprint by 2024, driven by an expanding set of providers selling on the web and change in purchasing conduct of customers. The ascent of E-commerce new staple goods deals alongside developing quantities of arranged food conveyance organizations […]

2 mins read

CoviShield Trails Started in India

The second phase of testing of the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine has begun successfully in India. Two volunteers were injected with the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and were placed for medical examination. Initially, five volunteers were enrolled at the Bharathi Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital in Pune for the CoviShield Vaccine Phase […]

2 mins read

Google Issued YouTube Signature Device Certificate for OnePlus Nord

Google has a certification program for mobile phones and in this, it picks the mobiles which are perfect to watch YouTube videos. The smartphones that get this certification provide great the best features related to YouTube and some of them are viewing the videos in the highest resolution including 4K, 360-degree video playback, good DRM […]

2 mins read

Ransomware attacks in India doubles in 2nd Quarter

Cybersecurity firm Seqrite reports that Ransomware attacks in the second quarter i.e., April to June, are twice the first quarter of the year. They also detect the change in behavior of the threat actors. Seqrite warns the organization in BFSI, IT, Manufacturing, and government sectors. In the second quarter, more than 4 lakhs Ransomware cases […]

2 mins read

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes have been approved to release in Florida

After continuous debate for years, finally, State and Environmental protection Agency has approved to release 750 million genetically modified, free-flying mosquitoes in the Chain Island of Florida Key to prevent the deathly mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya, Zike and Yellow Fever.                   On August 18, after two hours of virtual discussion, the commission has voted […]