Japanese Space Junk Collector Face Nuisance
An experimental instrument, intended for collecting the garbage from earth’s orbit has run into deep trouble and scientists are now in hurry to troubleshoot the glitch as soon as possible. The investigational space junk “collector” designed and operated by Japanese space agency (JAXA) and fishing net company is reported to face some troubles in its operational systems, during its first orbital trial and the Japanese engineers are looking forward to a quick diagnosis program for troubleshooting the issue as soon as possible.
As announced by the scientists of Japanese space agency (JAXA) on Tuesday, due to the unexpected glitch in garbage collecting system, more than 100 million pieces of space junk are believed to be zooming in the region of Earth, which scientists say pose serious threats to the upcoming space exploration missions. The whizzing rubbish also includes the cast-off tools, collected from old space probes and pieces of the missile, which is potentially a new discomfiture for Japan’s high-tech space industry.
The module was created by a team of scientists at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The electrodynamics ‘tether’ was developed under a joint venture of JAXA and Japanese fishing net company and the aim behind it was to detain the space junk and pull them all into the lower orbit of the earth. The expectation from the module was that the mess developed following more than fifty years of human space exploration would penetrate the atmosphere of Earth and burn down safely long before it has a possibility to run into the planet.
The tether measures a massive 2,300 feet and was outlined of stainless steel and aluminum cables. JAXA, after developing it with the help of Japanese fishing company put it on trial before the scheduled reentry of the cargo ship this coming Saturday. But it seems the unexpected glitch in the module of the tether brings the clean-up assignment to a surprising close down.
At the outset, the tether was scheduled to set out from the cargo ship, which shipped stuff and supplies to the onboard astronauts of International Space Station (ISS). During its homecoming trip to earth, the collector was expected to pop out and snatch some pieces of artificial space wreckage, carrying them into the lower orbit of Earth’s atmosphere where they would be burned up. However, unluckily, JAXA on Tuesday came up with the news that tether may possibly not have set out at all, driving the tentative trash cleaning job to an unexpected halt.