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Malaysia Enterprise ICT Investment Trends – Detailed Survey On Key Trends, Leading Players & Revolutionary Opportunities 2026

The Survey also reveals that a higher percentage of ICT spending among enterprises in Malaysia will be spent on running business as usual with existing ICT systems than the percentage of ICT spending that would be used for transforming businesses with new ICT systems.

Most survey respondents from Malaysia confirmed that technology purchase decisions in their enterprises are jointly taken by all parties involved.

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According to the survey, most respondents from Malaysia said that their enterprises would see considerable reduction in their intended ICT budget for 2020 post the COVID-19 outbreak compared to what it was in the pre-COVID period.

With regards to cloud computing investments, IaaS, and private cloud will be the popular investment areas in cloud computing technology, and cloud implementation model respectively for most enterprises in Malaysia in the next two years.


The Survey report provides information and insights into ICT spending by enterprises in Malaysia –

  • Insights of its ICT budget allocation by business function and key spending areas
  • Enterprise ICT Budget Outlook for 2020
  • Enterprise ICT Budget Allocations in 2020 vs. 2019, including the effect of COVID-19 on budget allocations
  • Segment wise ICT budget allocation comparison between 2019 and 2021

Reasons to Buy

  • Gain insights into Malaysian enterprises ICT spending trends
  • Gain insights into Malaysian enterprises ICT budget allocation for 2020
  • Gain insights into effect of COVID-19 on ICT budget of enterprises in Malaysia
  • Gain insights into key technology priorities of the Malaysian enterprises in allocating ICT budgets

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Key Findings
Survey Demographics
Enterprise ICT Budget Allocations 2019
Enterprise ICT Budget Outlook 2020
Enterprise ICT Budget Allocations 2019 vs. 2020
Segment ICT Budget Allocations 2019 vs. 2020
Future Outlook Enterprise Technology Priorities

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