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Rise in Death Toll due to COVID-19 Pandemic to Boost Sales in COVID-19 Pipeline Assessment Overview

COVID-19 Pipeline: Introduction

  • The coronavirus outbreak is at a tipping point, after which its development into a global pandemic may be inevitable
  • Research & development efforts by various players operating in the global COVID-19 space are now underway to investigate and develop a range of established and novel drug platforms, including prophylactic vaccines, repurposed medicines, and treatments against the virus, known as SARS-CoV-2

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  • The World Health Organization is working with a number of research organizations to conduct clinical trials of existing antiviral drugs to treat patients suffering from COVID-19. For instance, the World Health Organization is collaborating with researchers in China to conduct rapid clinical trials of existing antiviral medications to treat patients infected with COVID-19.
  • On February 20, 2020, it was announced that trials have been launched in China to determine the efficacy and safety of two existing antiviral therapies: Gilead Sciences, Inc.’s nucleotide analog remdesivir, which was already under development for Ebola, and AbbVie, Inc.’s HIV combination therapy Kaletra (the combination of lopinavir and ritonavir).

Below Table Represents the COVID-19 Development Pipeline as of April 2020

NCT Number NCT04276987
Conditions Coronavirus
Interventions Biological: MSCs-derived exosomes
Sponsor / Collaborators Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, Wuhan, Chin, Cellular Biomedicine Group Ltd.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 1 / 30 /  July 31, 2020
NCT Number NCT04317040
Conditions Severe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Interventions Drug: CD24Fc | Drug: Placebo
Sponsor / Collaborators OncoImmune, Inc.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 230 /  May, 2022
NCT Number NCT04336410
Conditions Coronavirus Infection
Interventions Drug: INO-4800 | Device: CELLECTRAÂ 2000
Sponsor / Collaborators Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 1 / 40 /  November, 2020
NCT Number NCT04333472
Conditions COVID-19 | Coronavirus Infection
Interventions Drug: Piclidenoson
Sponsor / Collaborators Can-Fite BioPharma, Rabin Medical Center
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 40 /  July 6, 2020
NCT Number NCT04334928
Conditions Coronavirus Infection
Interventions Drug: Emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil | Drug: Hydroxychloroquine | Drug: Placebo: Emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil Placebo | Drug: Placebo: Hydroxychloroquine
Sponsor / Collaborators Plan Nacional sobre el Sida Servicios Para la Investigacion S.L.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 4000 /  July 31, 2020
NCT Number NCT04322123
Conditions Coronavirus Infections
Interventions Drug: Hydroxychloroquine Oral Product | Drug: Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin
Sponsor / Collaborators Hospital do Coracao, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Hospital Sirio-Libanes, Brazilian Research In Intensive Care Network, EMS
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 630 /  August 30, 2020
NCT Number NCT04326426
Conditions Coronavirus Infection
Interventions Drug: Tradipitant | Drug: Placebo
Sponsor / Collaborators Vanda Pharmaceuticals
Phase  /  Enrollment  /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 300 /  August 31, 2020
NCT Number NCT04291729
Conditions 2019-nCoV Pneumonia
Interventions Drug: Ganovo+ritonavir+ / -Interferon nebulization
Sponsor / Collaborators The Ninth Hospital of Nanchang, Ascletis Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 4 / 11 /  March 19, 2020
NCT Number NCT04299152
Conditions Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Pneumonia
Interventions Combination Product: Stem Cell Educator-Treated Mononuclear Cells Apheresis
Sponsor / Collaborators Tianhe Stem Cell Biotechnologies Inc.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 20 /  November 10, 2020
NCT Number NCT04315896
Conditions COVID-19 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Interventions Drug: Hydroxychloroquine | Drug: Placebo oral tablet
Sponsor / Collaborators National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico | Sanofi
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 500 /  March 22, 2021
NCT Number NCT04321278
Conditions Coronavirus Infections | Pneumonia, Viral
Interventions Drug: Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin | Drug: Hydroxychloroquine
Sponsor / Collaborators Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, EMS, Hospital do Coracao, Hospital Sirio-Libanes, Brazilian Research In Intensive Care Network, Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacà uticos Ltda.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 440 /  August 30, 2020
NCT Number NCT04292730
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: Remdesivir | Drug: Standard of Care
Sponsor / Collaborators Gilead Sciences
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 600 /  May, 2020
NCT Number NCT04302519
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Biological: Dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells
Sponsor / Collaborators CAR-T (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Early Phase 1 / 24 /  July 30, 2021
NCT Number NCT04327401
Conditions Coronavirus Infection | Pneumonia, Viral | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Interventions Drug: Dexamethasone
Sponsor / Collaborators Luiz F. L. Reis, Ph.D., Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Hospital do Coracao, Brazilian Research In Intensive Care Network, Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos S.A., Hospital Sirio-Libanes
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 290 /  August 30, 2020
NCT Number NCT03331445
Conditions Respiratory Tract Infections | Corona Virus Infection
Interventions Drug: Nitric Oxide 0.5 %  /  Nitrogen 99.5 % Gas for Inhalation
Sponsor / Collaborators University of British Columbia | Mallinckrodt
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 20 /  March 31, 2021
NCT Number NCT04311697
Conditions Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome | Acute Lung Injury / Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) | Corona Virus Infection
Interventions Drug: Aviptadil by intravenous infusion + maximal intensive care | Drug: Normal Saline Infusion + Maximal intensive care
Sponsor / Collaborators NeuroRx, Inc., Relief Therapeutics Holding SA, Target Health Inc., Lavin Consulting, LLC
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 120 /  September, 2020
NCT Number NCT04333420
Conditions COVID-19 Pneumonia
Interventions Drug: Best supportive Care (BSC) + IFX-1 | Drug: Best supportive care only
Sponsor / Collaborators InflaRx GmbH
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 | Phase 3 / 130 /  December 31, 2020
NCT Number NCT04315298
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: Sarilumab | Drug: Placebo
Sponsor / Collaborators Regeneron Pharmaceuticals | Sanofi
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 | Phase 3 / 400 /  April 01, 2021
NCT Number NCT04328285
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: Hydroxychloroquine | Drug: Placebo of Hydroxychloroquine | Drug: Lopinavir and ritonavir | Drug: Placebo of LPV / r Tablets
Sponsor / Collaborators Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne, Institut Pasteur
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 1200 /  November 30, 2020
NCT Number NCT04330690
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: Lopinavir / ritonavir
Sponsor / Collaborators Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, AbbVie
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 440 /  May 18, 2022
NCT Number NCT04335136
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: RhACE2 APN01 | Drug: Physiological saline solution
Sponsor / Collaborators Apeiron Biologics
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 200 /  November, 2020
NCT Number NCT04313023
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: PUL-042 Inhalation Solution | Drug: Placebo
Sponsor / Collaborators Pulmotect, Inc.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 200 /  October, 2020
NCT Number NCT04313127
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Biological: Recombinant Novel Coronavirus Vaccine (Adenovirus Type 5 Vector)
Sponsor / Collaborators CanSino Biologics Inc., Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. PLA of China, Jiangsu Province Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tongji Hospital
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 1 / 108 /  December 20, 2022
NCT Number NCT04334980
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Biological: bacTRL-Spike
Sponsor / Collaborators Symvivo Corporation
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 1 / 84 /  December 31, 2021
NCT Number NCT04329572
Conditions COVID-19
Interventions Drug: Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate | Drug: Azithromycin Tablets
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Early Phase 1 / 400 /  June 30, 2020
NCT Number NCT04315987
Conditions COVID-19 Pneumonia
Interventions Biological: NestCell®
Sponsor / Collaborators Azidus Brasil, Cellavita Pesquisa Científica Ltda, Hospital Vera Cruz
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 1 / 66 /  June, 2020
NCT Number NCT04320615
Conditions COVID-19 Pneumonia
Interventions Drug: Tocilizumab (TCZ) | Drug: Placebo
Sponsor / Collaborators Hoffmann-La Roche
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 330 /  September 30, 2021
NCT Number NCT04334460
Conditions Sars-CoV2
Interventions Drug: BLD-2660
Sponsor / Collaborators Blade Therapeutics
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 / 120 /  September, 2020
NCT Number NCT04324021
Conditions SARS-CoV-2
Interventions Biological: Emapalumab | Biological: Anakinra
Sponsor / Collaborators Swedish Orphan Biovitrum
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 2 | Phase 3 / 54 /  September, 2020
NCT Number NCT04335032
Conditions SARS-CoV-2
Interventions Drug: Eicosapentaenoic acid gastro-resistant capsules
Sponsor / Collaborators S.L.A. Pharma AG
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 150 /  July 31, 2020
NCT Number NCT03808922
Conditions Lower Respiratory Tract Infection | Parainfluenza | Immunocompromised | COVID-19
Interventions Drug: DAS181 | Drug: Placebo | Drug: DAS181 COVID-19 | Drug: DAS181 OL
Sponsor / Collaborators Ansun Biopharma, Inc.
Phase /  Enrollment /  Completion Date Phase 3 / 250 /  December 28, 2021
  • Global pharma companies such as Gilead Sciences, Inc., Sanofi, and Vanda Pharmaceuticals are developing a treatment regimen for COVID-19
  • On March 24, 2020, Gilead Sciences, Inc.’s experimental drug remdesivir received orphan drug designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The drug is considered one of the potential coronavirus treatments.

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  • The drug has received seven years of marketing exclusivity with the orphan drug status. According to the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel O’Day, the drug will offer expanded access, compassionate use, and will treat patients with severe symptoms.
  • The company has also planned to increase the supply of the drug to more than 500,000 treatment courses by October and over 1 million treatment courses by the end of the year
  • Moreover, a Cambridge biotech company, Moderna has developed a coronavirus vaccine using a novel technology called messenger RNA (mRNA). The vaccine has been made ready in just 42 days for testing on humans. It is the first company to reach this stage of development.
  • A number of other drug developers are accelerating their programs for COVID-19 treatment. Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is developing the vaccine INO-4800 for the treatment of COVID-19. The company aims to produce 1 million doses of the INO-4800 vaccine by the end of the year to perform additional clinical trials and / or emergency use of the vaccine.
  • GSK has partnered with Clover Corp. Ltd., a China-based firm, to develop a novel protein-based COVID-19 S-Trimer vaccine. The vaccine is being developed by Clover Corp. GSK will provide Clover Corp. its pandemic adjuvant system to evaluate the drug in preclinical studies. Meanwhile, Clover Corp. is organizing its cGMP facilities in China for scale-up and mass production of the vaccine.
  • Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. are evaluating Sanofi’s Kevzara, (a drug used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis) for the treatment of the symptoms related to the coronavirus

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  • On March 16, 2020, Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals launched a phase II / III clinical study program in the U.S. The study evaluates the drug sarilumab as a treatment for severe coronavirus infection in up to 400 patients. The drug is an interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor antagonist and was approved by the FDA in 2017 for the treatment of moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis in adults, who have an intolerance or inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs.
  • Additionally, in February 2020, Sanofi announced that it will work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop coronavirus vaccine. The company’s global head of vaccine announced that the company would partner with the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to develop the vaccine against the coronavirus using the company’s recombinant DNA platform.
  • The global pandemic situation can occur at any point like coronavirus outbreak. Hence, scientists as well as pharmaceuticals and biotech companies are attempting to develop treatments and vaccines as quickly as possible to meet the increasing unmet needs of those affected.
  • Companies such as Sanofi, Roche, Gilead Sciences, Moderna, and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals are taking efforts to develop treatments and vaccines as quickly as possible to serve the unmet needs across the globe

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