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Parents with obesity have idiotic kids with developmental deficiency: Study

Researchers Censure Modern Lifestyle for Global Obesity Disaster

Being obsessed or overweight not only get in the way of your overall health but also can affect the mental development of your children, reveals a recently conducted study. Obesity has become an international issue and the percentages of overweight people are rising at an alarming rate. While previously, being overweight is believed to affect the individual wellness only, the recent research published in the “Journal of Pediatrics” revealed the unexpected consequences of obsessed parents on their children.

According to the study, Children born from overweight parents are slow learners, idiotic, and dim-witted. The researcher, in addition also revealed that children with obese moms and dads are extremely prone to the risk of being brainless, maladroit, and socially backward.  The research held by a team of analysts from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in the US found the surprising link between obese parents and their children’s mental ability. As per the study, the kids with fat dads are likely to lack the capability of metal growth and social interaction, while with fat moms; the children can have poor brain function.

To carry out the research, the analysts took more than 5000 moms into account and found that approximately one in five women is overweight during their pregnancy, having the body mass index more than 30. Where the healthy body index average is clocked between 18.5 and 24.9, moms having more than this average rate are found to have less intelligent children. Similarly, during the research, the scientists also found 20% to 30% of US adults including both male and female to be overweight.

The study, issued in the ‘Journal Pediatrics, disclosed that compared to the normal-weight moms, flabby mothers gave born to babies among which 70% are more likely to be unsuccessful in passing a general motor skill test at the age of three. Similarly, 75% kids born from the obsessed fathers were found to be inclined to pass the motor skill test based on the social domain. At the age of three, the children with the overweight father are failed to meet the standard social interaction level.

According to the co-author of the study, Dr. Edwina Yeung, “Most of the previous studies used to focus on the links between overweight moms and their children, while we took both obsessed mothers and fathers into consideration.”

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