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The global medical gloves market is estimated to reach US$12.39 billion in 2024, growing at a CAGR of 10.80% for the period spanning from 2020 to 2024. The factors such as increasing GNI per capita and rising healthcare spending, increasing aging population, growing number of surgical procedures and rising number of chronic diseases are expected to drive the market. However, growth of the industry will be challenged by health hazards associated with health effects associated with certain gloves. A few notable trends include rising number of contagious diseases, growing awareness regarding health and hygiene and strict regulations related to usage of PPE kits.

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The global medical gloves market is segmented into latex, nitrile, vinyl and neoprene gloves. Nitrile gloves represent the fastest growing segment owing to easy availability and cost efficiency of nitrile gloves.

The global medical gloves market is expected to grow in future due to rising health spending, increasing number of surgeries and growing awareness regarding health. In terms of geographical areas, North America and Europe are major contributors to the global medical gloves market supported by rising spread of infectious diseases and awareness regarding health and hygiene. Asia Pacific recorded the fastest growing market for medical gloves with rising healthcare infrastructure and increasing incidence of chronic diseases.

Scope of the report:

  • The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global medical gloves market, segmented into latex, nitrile, vinyl and neoprene gloves.
  • The major regional markets (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific) have been analyzed.
  • The market dynamics such as growth drivers, market trends and challenges are analyzed in-depth.
  • The competitive landscape of the market, along with the company profiles of leading players (Top Glove Corporation, Ansell Limited, Hartalega Holdings Berhad, Supermax Corporation Berhad, Semperit AG Holding, Cardinal Health, Inc.) are also presented in detail.

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Key Target Audience:

  • Medical Gloves Manufacturers
  • End Users (Hospitals, Medical Institutes & Clinics)
  • Raw Material Providers
  • Consulting Firms
  • Investment Banks
  • Government Bodies & Regulating Authorities

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