A new study by researchers from the University of Texas-Arlington says that daily habit of keeping your body healthy through exercise and diet can lower the risk of heart and skeletal damage that are caused by Malaria.
According to Marco Brotto, one of the professors of that group, heart and skeletal muscles get worse hit by malaria. He also added that initially these will be mild but with the passage of time may turn into severe and in case, your body develops chronic myopathy, it will be even harder to recover.
Even if the case of malaria is mild, it can end up with the sad demise of the person suffering from it. Professor Brotto cited a common reason for this. He said, upon getting infected with malaria, the blood cells loose their ability to deliver food nutrients to the body cells, even they lack the power of carrying oxygen too, resulting in creating the emergency situation.
However, with a regular diet and exercise, above said casualties can be eradicated in the lesser period of time. If we keep on messing with the infection by diet and proper medication, muscles will not lose their strength so quickly. Anti-oxidant therapy can work well for this. It has been advised to eat unprocessed fruits and green vegetables.
The primary aim is to increase the protein intake of the body which one can do by consuming more meat, fish and protein shakes or powders. This is because sufficient presence of amino acid derivatives such as hydroxyl beta-methyl butyric acid or HMB inside the body boosts inner strength.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), a large number of people, around 500 million are getting affected through Malaria each year and results in the sad demise of more than 4,00,000 people, which is a major reason for concern.