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Chinese space station Tiangong-1’s fall in control: claim Chinese experts

The rumor associated with the Chinese space station, Tiangong-1, which was speculated to have an uncontrolled fall back to the Earth has taken a 360-degree turn as the leading spaceflight engineer from China claims that the same is in under control. As per his statement, the space station is being monitored constantly with no danger to the people living down on Earth.

A series of warnings associated with the space station earlier suggested that the Tiangong-1 had lost connection with the base and is all set to fall down on Earth with unknown trajectory. This means the space station could posses a threat to the life of people living on Earth. However, all these speculations have been negated by Chinese officials pointing to the fact that they own total control of the Tiangong-1.

Tiangong-1 roughly translates to “heavenly palace”. It was launched in the year 2011 into Earth’s orbit. The motive of this launch was to enable a future possibility of a permanent space station by the year 2023. The duration of its stay was set to 2013, after which the space agency planned to destroy it in a controlled manner. However, the same got delayed for a long duration. This caused numerous speculations to arise, one of which was the loss of all kind of communication and control with China’s space agency. Rumors pointed out that the agency is just waiting for the space station to fall back to the blue planet with no hope of gaining control over the same.

In a statement provided by the lead engineer of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the space station is totally under control with no threat to the environment or any life. Any such mishap could lead to serious damage as most of the parts of the station remain intact even after the burn-up while re-entering. The engineer confirmed that the agency has been monitoring the space station with plans to allow a fall during the first part of the year.

The Tiangong-1 shall burn up as it enters the Earth’s atmosphere while falling into a pre-planned area in the sea which shall posses no threat to the environment or life. The re-entry of the space station was delayed as the agency wanted to ensure that the wreckage from the planned fall shall land in the southern periphery of Pacific Ocean where debris from the US space station as well as Russian space station had fallen.

Although the loss of control was unofficial news, it has been speculated that the agency has lost the control of the space station until it re-gains the same during re-entry of the Tiangong-1. To top it, the Chinese space station might house a hazardous material onboard which could survive the fall and affect the environment. All these speculations have been denied by the agency stating that they have full control over the same.

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