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Scientists Embark on First Nuclear Bomb Explosion for Understanding Moon’s Formation Theory


The first nuclear bomb explosion or ‘Trinity,’ took place in 1945 was one of the most unsympathetic humanmade movement, that shook up the entire globe. Now scientists believe that the first nuclear explosion holds the clues to the partially solved theory regarding Moon’s formation some 4.5 million years ago.

A team of international scientists has used the radioactive glass for understanding the formation theory of Earth’s natural satellite Moon. The green-colored radioactive glass was found on the site of the first nuclear bomb explosion, called “Trinity,” located in New Mexico. The radioactive glass, dubbed as “trinitite is configured under the extreme temperature by the atomic bomb explosion, took place in 1945. Scientists took the glass, found between 10 meters and 250 meters from ground zero at “Trinity,” in New Mexico into consideration for conducting the new research.

The new experiment, headed by James Day, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego has emerged as a new support to the ‘Giant Impact Theory’ of moon’s formation. According to the old hypothesis, the configuration of the moon has triggered the crash of a Mars-sized celestial body with earth, some 4.5 million years ago. The supermassive crash pushed out thousands of rocks to Space, which over the years coalesced into a single object, called ‘Moon.’

Supporting the existing theory, the new study, conducted by a team of researchers from University of California San Diego, in the US have revealed the way, how the moon formed. According to the new theory, the supermassive fender-bender of Earth with the Mars-sized object resulted in an enormous amount of temperature, akin to those at the commencement age of Earth, which in succession moved the volatiles beyond the rocks, causing the configuration of the moon.

According to James Day, a geochemist at the University of California San Diego, “A real-life enormous, blistering explosion occurred just a few decades earlier which influenced the formation of moon significantly, and this real-life explosion is none other than the detonation of the nuclear bomb in 1945.  The atomic blast tainted the chemistry of rocks, and some of the red soil had turned into a light-green glass. The radioactive glass was later dubbed as ‘trinitite’ after the examination of the location, called Trinity.

By experimenting more on the trinitite, the scientists are expected to get more clear insight into how the material caused the formation of the moon changed during the atomic era. According to the researchers, the green-colored radioactive glass holds the chemical composition zinc and some other volatile elements, which may have evaporated during the break out of extreme temperature of 1945’ atomic era.

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